Southcoast Behavioral Health offers a peaceful, serene campus setting where patients have time to focus solely on their healing. The treatment days are structured so that physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth can occur.
Community Meeting
The day begins at 7 a.m. when patients wake up, get ready, and then head to one of our dining rooms for a chef-prepared healthy breakfast. After breakfast, they attend a Community Meeting where staff welcomes their critiques and concerns about daily life at Southcoast Behavioral Health, which can include social, staff, logistical, and maintenance issues. Patients then focus on reviewing and selecting their group meetings and activities for the day.
Clinical Focused Groups
During the day, patients attend Clinical Focused Groups led by one of our Master’s Level Social Workers. Interactive lectures cover a variety of topics such as understanding symptoms of depression and anxiety, coping skills, stress management, and steps to change. Mental health stigma is also addressed, as well as the barriers to treatment.
Family-Focused Involvement
Family-focused involvement is led by the Social Work Team. They reach out to family members to gather the history of their loved one, learn of the symptoms they have observed, and the family goals. The family is encouraged to meet not only with the patient, but also the clinical staff, the psychiatrist, and the Social Worker so as to become a part of the team and ensure a fluid transition home.
Recreational Therapists
Patients also have the opportunity during the day to work with Recreational Therapists in our spacious, state-of-the-art gym or one of our many outdoor areas. Different exercise groups involving low-impact exercise are available. Arts and crafts are also available, in addition to music therapy.
Afternoon + Wrap-up Groups
In the afternoon, patients have the opportunity to attend self-help support group meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
The day ends with Wrap-Up Groups. Happenings of the day are discussed in these groups and meditation and relaxation exercises occur right after. The close of the day includes free time before the lights are out.